Saturday, July 18, 2015

Same-sex marriage: happy homosexuals, displeased republicans

On Friday, June 26, 2015 was a glorious day; the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. Everyone that I saw on Facebook was ecstatic about this momentous occasion. I could not be happier myself since I truly believe everyone should have the right to unify with whoever partner he or she chooses. However, not everyone may agree. Some individuals stay faithful to their faith and follow the Bible, as they believe they should. An article by Richard Whittaker titled Republicans Versus “Government Marriage”: Ambitious GOPer calls for marriage-ending special session. The article discussed Republican David Simpson believes “we should just get rid of the institution all together.” Governor Greg Abbot has been railing against activist judges, and Attorney General Ken Paxton believes that state employees should not be forced to comply with the new law. To summarize, Governor Simpson wants to change the process of issuing how marriage licenses will be issued. I find it interesting because individuals have the right to be opinionated and have freedom of religion.  It is difficult to pass laws that will please everyone. There are still nuts and screws to tighten in order for everything to be stable.

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