Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Let us make school more affordable

Texas should reduce the cost of their colleges and universities. While I applaud Texas for allowing equal opportunity for all individuals to continue their education, some students still struggle trying to afford school. Therefore, some are not able to finish. Some of the ideas Texas should consider is offer tuition-free colleges and reduce tuition for all universities. In Oregon, they passed a bill which they offer tuition-free schools. This method will allow individuals who truly want to further can do so without stressing over financial burdens. However, there should still be restrictions as to how the system can work. There are individuals who will attend school and may come to find it is not something he or she may want to pursue. A certain school tax should be given to them. That way, we can do our best to encourage individuals to better themselves and have a bright future.

For universities, there should be a tuition reduction. There are students who do not have sufficient funds to pay for supplies, classes, and other necessities. Loans are given so they can have money in the meantime. The downside is the accrued interests and having to pay it all back. With tuitions reducing at a fairer price, students will not have to borrow as much and may have more grants and scholarships offered. With both of these methods combined, there will be a higher number of individuals that receive jobs right after graduating. Those who receive a bachelors and beyond will have a good to great salary which leads to more taxes being taken from their checks and go into the school system. 

1 comment:

  1. Commentary on “Let us make school more affordable”
    The cost of college tuition is an issue of great concern. For the most part tuition costs continue to rise year after year despite the fact that it is very uncommon for a student’s economic situation to change drastically in one year. For those that have the possibility of getting financial aid, unless you have attained some sort of academic or athletic scholarship, financial aid is typically not enough. That leaves you with few options as a student, the most common one being academic loans. This said, as troubling as this situation is, I don’t believe eliminating tuition from colleges and reducing it from universities is plausible or the right answer to fix the problem.
    The blog post titled “Let us make school more affordable” in the blog “What is happening in Texas today?” poses the above mentioned solutions to the issue of the rising cost of tuition. Both solutions sound great, both solutions would be marvelous; however I unfortunately don’t think these solutions are possible. Perhaps a little more detail on the bill that was passes in Oregon would help understand the foundations of these proposed solutions. Additionally, I would also like to challenge the statement saying that by implementing these solution there would be a “higher number of individuals that receive jobs right after graduating”. If anything it would seem to me that if the solutions where to be implemented and if they were to work as intended there would be a larger pool of graduates, meaning the job market would be even more competitive.

    Although I do not have a proper solution to the issue of rising undergraduate tuition costs, I’d like to bring attention to a related issue. I think more efforts should be focused on providing more aid for students who are perusing graduate school. Very little monetary aid is offered for people wanting to further their education beyond the bachelor’s degree. I think there could be great improvements done in this area without having to resort to such drastic measures.
